Building a Positive Company Culture With Feedback

Tired of hearing the phrase “Feedback is a gift”? It is a common phrase that is a bit overused and can seem like it’s losing it’s meaning. However, we still believe this saying is true and work hard to encourage a sustainable feedback culture.

At Runtastic, we are passionate about our jobs, eager to learn new things, and always trying to improve. In short, we strive for an open and constructive feedback culture

But what does an “open” or “constructive” feedback culture actually mean? In a team made up of different people, each with their own personality and background, and communicating with one another mostly online, it can be easy to misunderstand somebody else’s message or intentions.

Therefore, we arranged loads of subtle and not-so-subtle measures, to enable constructive feedback on all levels. 


Feedback is more than just a buzzword to us. To ensure a shared understanding of how we practice our feedback culture in daily interactions, our Inclusion Agents created a Feedback Manifesto.

It contains simple instructions of what type of communication we value, regardless of the circumstances:

  • Better constructive than destructive
  • Better direct than subtle
  • Better open than defensive
  • Better consistent than sporadic
  • Be careful about the context

It is a simple yet effective guideline for how we should exchange feedback with each other at Runtastic. 


Feedback can only help someone if they are open to it and willing to improve. This is actually one of the criteria we look for when hiring new people for our team. However, we know that  these skills can be developed with training, support, and practice. 

We intentionally work to integrate feedback into our daily lives. Every new Runtastic receives a guideline to refer to for their first few months with the company, which includes regular Feedback Check-Ins with their team lead. 

In addition to these Feedback Check-ins with leaders, the team also has the opportunity to receive formal feedback from their peers during our 360° Feedback Conversations. 

“Make feedback part of your daily work life.”

Feedback Manifesto

But it’s not only during formal settings that feedback is important. At Runtastic, we use Kudo Cards and our Slack #appreciation channel to express our appreciation and praise. These little notes are an easy and informal way of giving positive feedback. We strive to never underestimate the motivational power of highlighting the great work our Runtastics do and the effort they put into everything.

For most of us, the toughest part is suggesting improvements and giving critical feedback, which most likely requires face-to-face and constructive conversations. In order to learn the skills required to give and receive feedback, practice difficult feedback sessions, and reflect on our own behavior, we now include Feedback Training in our standard training opportunities for all Runtastics.


Feedback shouldn’t stop at the individual, one-on-one level. Our quarterly Engagement Survey helps us find out about any issues that may be bothering team members, notifying us to what systems are working well and what challenges we should tackle on a company level. We have also introduced a Q&A section in our monthly All-Hands meeting where everyone is encouraged to ask questions and share feedback.

In short, feedback happens on many different levels. The only way we can successfully help each other grow is if we, as a company,  encourage  feedback on all levels, including feedback from applicants. If you are currently in our application process or have applied at Runtastic before, we would also highly appreciate your feedback on or,


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