Youthbomb: A Threesome I Can Get On Board With | AD

Ad: this post is sponsored by Beauty Pie as part of my ongoing partnership.

There was a blog post due to come out this week; the title of the draft post was Did A Sexier Power Couple Ever Existand it was a six hundred word near-delirious rave about the wonders of Beauty Pie’s Youthbomb Concentrate and Youthbomb Collagen Peptide Cream, specifically when used together. A more face-plumptioning, skin-elasticating combo has not yet crossed my path – it’s a revelation and I have been zipping through bottles and pots of it like a woman possessed.

But I had been sitting on this draft post for five weeks or so, wondering whether this week was the right time to publish it or perhaps that week would be better, and the reason for my deliberating was because Beauty Pie had sent me a sample of a product that had thrown a right old spanner in the works. A new addition to the Youthbomb line-up that took the range from Power Couple to what can only be described as… Expert Threesome.

Now look, there’s no judgement here, but I’ve never been convinced by the idea of threesomes. Zero temptation. It’s enough mental and physical load trying to partner up with one person, let alone two. Surely one is always left out in the cold – and if not, then the people shacking up must have a hell of a lot more coordination than I do. I can’t even reverse a car if the stereo is playing because my ears take up too much brain-space.

So human threesomes: it’s a no for me. But when it comes to Beauty Pie and their new Youthbomb product? Yes, yes, yes. Ohhhh yes. (They’re going to be absolutely thrilled to bits at this off-piste intro, I just know it.) They’ve formulated what I think is their most potent, results-driven product yet, the Double Retinol-Action Skin Overhaul Serum*, and it joins the high performance 360 Radiance Concentrate and the Biologic Collagen Peptide Cream to form a trio of absolute show-stoppers.

If you’re sick of wondering what will actually work on your tired, slightly slack, dullish skin and you just want straight-shooting results then this is your range. It was amazing before, but the new serum just takes things to a whole new level of good.

Whereas the excellent Radiance Concentrate (find it here online*) focused on the use of peptides and a cocktail of other powerful actives to firm, brighten, give glow and aid hydration, and the Biologic Cream added to all of this with eighteen actives in a massively rich, skin-plumping base, the brand new serum slides on in to the Youthbomb line-up with a double-dose of the industry’s gold-standard ingredient: retinol.

The Double Retinol-Action Skin Overhaul Serum uses two types of retinol – microencapsulated retinol and granactive retinoid – to tackle just about every skin-ageing concern you can come up with. If you haven’t read the dossier on why retinol is so loved in the skincare world then let me precis it for you: it works on wrinkles, fine lines, uneven skin tone, dullness, lack of firmness, crepey-ness and other things I haven’t remembered and the results are both profound and visible. I say this as someone who has been testing out various brands and various strengths of retinoid for quite some time.

The difference with Beauty Pie’s new Skin Overhaul Serum? Not only does it contain the retinoids for all of the above benefits, it has a dose of lactic acid in the formula along with niacinamide. Lactic acid to gently exfoliate the skin surface (which helps the other actives to penetrate more easily) and niacinamide to strengthen the skin barrier, which in turn leaves skin healthier and less prone to sensitivity and flare-ups.

Buy Double Retinol-Action Skin Overhaul Serum*

I feel like the new serum is a more rounded approach to high intensity retinoid usage, with some exfoliation for efficacy and then ingredients to strengthen and hydrate to keep the condition of the skin tip-top and minimise any risk of aggravation.

Saying that, this is one serious product and it’s not the sort of thing you’ll just want to barge in and apply if you have no prior experience with using retinoids. It’s Beauty Pie’s most powerful retinoid product yet and it’s perfect for those who have been using the Super Retinol range (which is absolutely brilliant) and want to step it up to the max. Even then, start off twice-weekly at first and then build up to more regular usage. As with my other strong retinoids, I’m happy using this every other night, using my “off” days to pack in my hydrating and calming products.

And so, back to the Expert Threesome. It calms my mind-eye-coordination anxieties to know that the three products never actually have to work together; it’s an either-or situation with the concentrate and the serum, one or the other, always followed by the glorious Collagen Peptide Cream.

(Which has become one of my most-used moisturisers, by the way. The Japanfusion Power Elixir (here*) was always my favourite, for its ability to turn my face into a sort of turgid, wobbling waterbed, but the Youthbomb cream takes this benefit and supercharges it with an additional eighteen actives. So if it’s just the insane levels of hydration you want, then go for the Japanfusion Power Elixir* which, with membership is a very pleasing £16. But if you want more in the way of firming, brightening, skin-evening-out prowess then absolutely look to the Youthbomb one which is a superpowered cream, an ultimate moisturiser. It’s £44 with membership, here*.)

Some rules I have when using the Double Retinol-Action Skin Overhaul Serum: I apply at night to cleansed, dried skin and then leave about half an hour before using my Youthbomb Cream. It’s just a routine I’ve always followed with my retinoids, to allow them to get to work a bit before applying another product. In all honesty, I often forget to apply the moisturiser and I haven’t had dry-feeling skin in the morning, ever, but I also do love the instantly cushiony, elastic results that I get with the cream so it’s nice to remember to use it. Another rule: SPF the next day. Absolutely non-negotiable. The Beauty Pie Featherlight SPF50 is excellent, leaves no residue and has high protection against both UVA and UBV rays. It’s £13.50 with membership here*.

(Just a reminder on how membership works: Beauty Pie produce luxury products at some of the world’s best beauty labs but then they sell direct to you. So there’s no inflated cost for selling through a middleman. No overly-fancy packaging (though I think they’re packaging is just lovely, very high quality and chic), no shop overheads, just luxury products without the luxury price tags. You can see when you browse the site that they have the membership price and then the equivalent retail price, calibrated against similar products available from the luxury beauty brands. For example, the Youthbomb Double Retinol-Action Serum* has an equivalent luxury retail price of £170 (if you’re a skincare aficionado then you’ll be able to think of a couple of examples straight off the bat!) but with membership it’s £44. Which is amazing for a serum of this potency and calibre. It’s easy to sign up, and if you do then make sure you use the code RUTHSENTME to get money off the annual membership! You can find more membership info here*.)

So in short: Beauty Pie have launched what could be their most complete, all-dancing powerhouse product yet. It’s the hero, the big gun, the show-off and my skin has welcomed it with open arms. I love that it gives an instant glow, thanks to the lactic acid and I really appreciate the added hydration in the formula as I can tend to feel slightly dry after a high-strength retinoid.

You can find more info and a full ingredients list for the Youthbomb Double Retinol-Action Skin Overhaul Serum here*. If you’re already on the retinol train and looking to upgrade your ticket (oh my God, sorry) then this one is most definitely – wait for it! – First Class.

I’ll leave you now, my work is done. I’ve managed to shoehorn references to threesomes and train tickets into a skincare post. It’s a skill.

Many thanks to the Beauty Team for having the best sense of humour, I absolutely love working with them.

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