7 Dermatologist Hacks That Make Life Easier

In the world of beauty, “hacks” aren’t always associated with the positive. But, rest assured, these seven takeaways get the almighty dermatologist-seal-of-approval for being not only just A-OK, but downright amazing.

Shave Your Face

Falling in what she calls “the public doesn’t know we do this” category, Louisville, KY, dermatologist Tami Buss Cassis, MD says her best “hack” is to shave your face. “Your skin will never look better, and your makeup will take on an entirely new look! I have to convince women to try it because of the old wives’ tale that hair will grow back thicker and darker regrowth. The hair does regrow, but it won’t be worse than what you started with. You will love you skin and you will never want to stop shaving!”

Sleep on Your Back

Yes, Montclair, NJ dermatologist Jeanine Downie, MD says, this one is legit. “Use one of those sleep pillows from Amazon, use a pillow from your couch, talk to yourself and convince yourself to do this,” she heeds. “I know it is not easy for some people, but it is so worth it! Your face will age slower, your face will all age more symmetrically, and you will keep your cosmeceuticals that you apply on your face, rather than treating your pillowcase.”

Watch How Much Hand-Sanitizer You Are Using

In all fairness, the above might be a line to get you looking but, all the same, Dr. Downie says absolutely, positively, do not skip the skin on your hands. “That means using little-to-no hand sanitizer, as it dries out everyone and it can hyperpigment those that are prone to dark areas,” she advises. “Use sunscreen on your hands and your fingers every single day, which means less skin cancer and slower aging of your hands, while improving the skin quality.” She also stresses to moisturize your hands consistently: “At least every morning and every evening if not during the day. Use a good, thick moisturizing hand cream—my preference is Restorsea hand cream or over-the-counter Aveeno anti-itch balm. Never forget, our hands are how we meet and greet people, and this is an important way of keeping ourselves presentable.”

Lean on Vaseline

It’s an oldie but a goodie and New York dermatologist Jody A. Levine, MD says it’s just about the best product she can recommend that will run you under $20. “I know it has been said often by other dermatologists, but it really is a great all-around product.” Hitting the long list of what this singular sensation can do: Moisturize the skin and the lips, protect the cheeks from cold, windy weather, and double as a makeup remover. “It can also be used to heal the skin,” Dr. Levine advises. “It you apply Vaseline on top of an open area, it helps the skin to heal quicker.”

Use Eye Drops

He says it might sound silly, but Phoenix, AZ dermatologist Dr. Karan Lal says so many derms he knows use eye drops to not look tired. “One of my hacks before I go to parties or events: I use Upneeq eye drops to open my eyes and give it a refreshed appearance. It helps open your upper eyelid, which starts to become heavy as we age.”

Time Your Dry Shampoo Application

We love us a DIY-blowout hack and Dallas dermatologist Elizabeth Bahar Houshmand, MD offers this one that’s totally doable: “Apply your dry shampoo at night, but don’t rub it in,” she says. “Doing it this way will gradually absorb the oils overnight and you will wake up to hair with great volume!”

Apply Skin Care Out of Order

“I love hydrating my skin with a spray of thermal spring water and then applying an emollient like Avene Cicalfate like a highlighter on my cheekbones,” says Dr. Houshmand. “It makes skin look so dewy.”

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