Aries Monthly Horoscope for May 2023 — Read Your Sign’s Love and Career Predictions

Read your sign’s 2023 horoscope to see what’s in store for you this year, or check out the Aries personality profile. To read monthly predictions for another zodiac sign, see our full May 2023 horoscope.

Welcome to May, AriesMercury retrograde began at the end of April, asking you to be patient with friends late to dinner, proofread emails, and avoid sliding into an ex’s DMs. May begins with another planet starting its backward dance. On Monday, May 1, Pluto, the planet of transformation, goes retrograde in Aquarius and your 11th House of Friendship. Be gentle with yourself around this time. You may notice shakeups and changes in your friend circle, and while they’re for the best and just a part of growing up, any adjustment is stressful. Layer on self-care, and not just because of Pluto retrograde. You’ll desire extra comfort for all of the first week in May. 

Friday, May 5, brings a full moon and lunar eclipse in intense Scorpio. Now, eclipses are stressful and dramatic times regardless of what sign they’re in. But, with the influence of the water sign Scorpio, you may feel extra emotionally vulnerable. Astrologers call eclipses “cosmic wildcards,” as they can lead to sudden endings and beginnings. As with your friendships, any change during an eclipse will happen anyway and is in your best interest. Eclipses just give the stars an excuse to hurry things up a bit. But, as noted, remember that any change in your routine, whether it’s in your social circle, or feeling extra sensitive, is an excellent excuse to be nice to yourself. So it’s okay to focus on relaxation this intense first week of the month. On Sunday, May 7sweet Venus enters caring Cancer and your 4th House of Home and Family. While this transit is cozy rather than tense, you’ll still be in the mood to do nothing but curl up with a blanket, some good snacks, and your favorite TV show. So, Aries, you can put “sloth” on your to-do list for early May. 

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Thankfully, Mercury retrograde ends on Sunday, May 14, helping you feel grounded. The second half of May is much busier and more exciting than the first week of the month, so make sure to rest before your calendar gets too cramped. The stars bring welcome news, but it comes with a caveat. As too many of us understand, we live in tough economic times. So, while it’s great fun as an astrologer to tell people when the stars line up to bring you cash, understand (unfortunately) horoscopes don’t hold the same power as the federal reserve. With that in mind, when the lucky planet Jupiter enters Taurus and your 2nd House of Possessions on Tuesday, May 16, keep an eye on your inbox. This is a bountiful time to hear welcome news regarding work, a passion project, or income. This theme continues when Friday, May 19, brings a new moon in luxurious Taurus. New moons mark new phases, and with this one shining on your 2nd House of Possessions, you just might get that email you’ve been waiting for. 

The next day, on Saturday, May 20, your attention turns to your sex life when Mars, the planet of f*cking and fighting, enters bold Leo and your 5th House of Pleasure. This transit adds red-hot passion to any partnership. If you’re in a long-term relationship and feeling stagnant, this is an excellent weekend to reconnect (check out our list of kinks and fantasies if you need inspo). If you’re single, don’t be surprised if you meet someone new while on the town. And, if you’re asexual or not focused on dating right now, know that you can use this high-octane Martian energy to light up a passion project, hobby, or platonic love. When the sun enters chatty Gemini on Sunday, May 21, communication and self-expression come easy for you, helping you get the most out of whatever it is you’re currently obsessing over. So enjoy the abundant vibes, and see you in June. 

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