What I Eat In A Day When I’m Busy!

I don’t know what it is, but I feel like my schedule gets fuller every. single. month. And even though it’s all super fun stuff (like traveling to Europe!), it’s definitely a challenge when it comes to eating. You already know the struggle. The fastest, easiest stuff is usually prepackaged, totally processed junk that’s full of sodium and sugars and other ingredients our bodies just don’t need.

And I know when you’re in a rush, it’s tempting to be like: no biggie! I’ll just grab this meal real quick and then I’ll make better food choices when I have more time. But, babes, I’ve gotta let you in on what I’ve learned. When I’m eating garbage, I feel like garbage. Then, my busy schedule leaves me toootally stressed out and frazzled. But when I’m eating right, I feel energized and excited about all the cool stuff I have going on!

Eating right  — even in a hurry

So here’s my takeaway. The secret to making good food choices even when I’m rocking a jam-packed schedule just comes down to some planning. That way, I don’t even have to even think about my next meal. My fridge is stocked, I can whip up meals in a few mins, and I’m on my way, super nutritious meal in tow. 

Let’s talk real-life examples. I start my day with an upgraded coffee. Yes, black coffee is the easiest and fastest. But by taking seriously like sixty seconds to add some other ingredients (shoutout to adaptogens!), my morning cup keeps me balanced and feeling great

For lunch I usually make some type of easy salad that I can seriously throw together. As long as my fridge is stocked (and you have to go to the grocery store anyway, busy or not!), it’s a total breeze. 

For dinner, grilling up a turkey burger is a total snap. And to make sure I don’t get bored, I whip up a little LSF spicy yogurt sauce to take the meal totally next level. 

See! Eating right can be just as fast as eating junk, but I feel about a million times better. And I don’t get in the way of my body goals. Remember, babes, abs are ABSolutely made in the kitchen!

Want the full scoop on what I eat in a day? Check out this printable!

what katie eats

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