Neurotoxin and Filler After Pregnancy: A Timeline

If you’re a devotee of neurotoxins like Botox or Dysport or love injectable fillers like Juvéderm, you’re probably a bit put off that you need to take a pause during pregnancy. And if you’re chomping at the bit to get back on your regular treatments, you need to know exactly when you can go back to neurotoxin and filler after pregnancy. You might even be curious as to why you need to stop these treatments during pregnancy at all.

The good news is, all of our experts agreed: once you’re done breastfeeding, you can return to neurotoxins and filler after pregnancy.

Neurotoxins, Filler and Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a truly difficult time for scientific study.

According to Miami aesthetician Amy Peterson, there are a lot of ingredients that we just don’t know a lot about in terms of how they might impact a pregnancy, and so most practitioners will resort to an abundance of caution. “As we know, pregnancy is not something people want to risk,” Peterson says. “There’s nobody that’s going to say, ‘Yes, test this product of me to see if it’s pregnancy safe.’ In general, we know how ingredients behave, so if they pass into the bloodstream we know to avoid them.”

According to South Lake, TX dermatologist Janine Hopkins, MD, this is the exact case when it comes to neurotoxin and filler during pregnancy. “During pregnancy, Botox and filler injections are not recommended primarily because there have been no well-controlled, large studies on safety for use during pregnancy, so physicians recommend avoiding procedures that have not received FDA-clearance for pregnant women,” Dr. Hopkins explains. “The effects of botulinum toxin administration during human pregnancy are largely unknown. There is only one prior report on the use of botulinum toxin during pregnancy. FDA-approved labeling for botulinum toxin indicates that this toxin is pregnancy risk category C, and recommends that it should be ‘administered during pregnancy only if the potential benefit justifies the potential risk to the fetus’.”

And as West Palm Beach, FL dermatologist Kenneth Beer, MD explains, that benefit just never seems worth the risk. “Fillers are most likely safe for pregnancy but why take the risk?” Dr. Beer asks. “Most filler are hyaluronic acid, found in the all the joints of the body and they are not toxic. But again, why look for problems?”

While You Wait

Though you have to wait for treatments of neurotoxin and filler after pregnancy, there are skin treatments you can indulge in while you’re pregnant.

111Skin’s global head of aesthetics and lead aesthetician Milena Naydenov explains that while your options are limited, you can still get the benefits from a good facial. “Pregnancy can cause women to experience breakouts, and a regular facial that does not include any machinery or acid-based product can be very beneficial,” Naydenov says. “Your practitioner will want to use light physical exfoliants and ingredients that can’t get into the bloodstream. Additionally hyaluronic acid is very beneficial during pregnancy because the skin barrier may get disturbed and may result in redness and sensitivity. For this kind of facial it needs to be based in hyaluronic acid, vitamin C, or a hydrating mask because they’re extremely hydrating and extremely soothing for the skin.”

“So many pregnant women don’t feel like they can like do a lot that moves the needle,” Peterson adds. “But there are some incredible face masks out there now, including some that give you an instant boost, that are great for going out.”

Returning to Neurotoxins and Filler After Pregnancy

While there is no formal guidance on when to return to your regular neurotoxin and filler treatments after pregnancy, your practitioner will likely give you a little bit of time. “I resume treating my patients with Botox and filler within one month after pregnancy/breastfeeding,” Dr. Hopkins says.

Additionally, it’s important to remember that your hormones after pregnancy will take time to return to normal—and that means your skin will take time, too.

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