Aesthetic Skin Treatments on The Rise, Data Shows

In a post-COVID world, Americans are committing more and more to taking care of their skin. The continued surge in patients seeking nonsurgical skin treatments in-office has even carried the industry through a dip in surgical procedures this year, according to the latest stats from The Aesthetic Society.

A 23% jump in nonsurgical treatments has been led by an interest in infusions, skin treatments, body contouring and neurotoxins, according to the 2022 report. And skin treatments alone, including chemical peels and Hydrafacials, experienced a 24% jump that puts them ahead of extremely popular treatment options, like body contouring.

What’s Behind the Rise?

We wanted to dig into this uptick, so we dove in to our network of experts and asked if they experienced the same kind of rise in interest as the national stats. And they definitely had.

“Yes, there has been a noticeable rise in interest in skin-care treatments over the past year,” explains Miami dermatologist Anna Chacon, MD. “The increase in interest in skin-care treatments is indeed partially attributed to younger patients embracing preventative skincare. Many individuals are starting skin-care routines earlier in life to maintain healthier skin and prevent age-related concerns, which has contributed to the growing demand for these treatments.”

This interest from younger patients extends to all corners of aesthetic treatments and procedures. The Aesthetic Society itself noted that this year, the 17-35 age bracket accounted for 27% of aesthetic surgery patients, only slightly behind patients aged 35-50, who make up 30%.

Across the country, Fresno, CA dermatologist Kathleen Behr, MD, has seen the same spike in interest, typically led by her younger patients. “I think that the idea of prejuvenation and preventing aging, preventing wrinkles rather than treating them, has become a huge thing that drives interest, especially in the younger generation,” Behr explains. “We do start losing some of our collagen in our 20s.”

Additionally, Behr notes, there’s also the economic side to consider.

“Another reason these treatments have spiked is, I think, because they’re a little bit less expensive than some of the other options, like CoolSculpting or EmSculpt,” Dr. Behr explains. “Of course, we saw a resurgence right after COVID ended, but now everything is getting a little more expensive and we’re in a bit of an economic lag.”

What Can Skin Treatments Do?

Though the interest in these treatments is spearheaded by the younger crowd, that doesn’t mean they don’t have serious benefits to give all age groups.

“These treatments are generally suitable for individuals with various skin types and concerns,” Dr. Chacon explains. “Chemical peels and Hydrafacials can address a range of skin concerns, including but not limited to acne, acne scars, uneven skin tone, fine lines and wrinkles, sun damage, hyperpigmentation, and overall skin rejuvenation.”

The best thing about these skin treatments is how easily customizable they are to cater to your skin.

“The Hydrafacial really does three things: cleanses, it extracts impurities, and then it hydrates with personalized ingredients,” Dr. Behr explains. “So there’s different boosters that you can use. It really helps to clean out the pores. It helps for acne, redness, wrinkles, but there’s all these all many different types of boosters, you know, that are like some are hydrating, some are for discoloration, some are for acne. So really all skin types are great to get that.”

According to New York dermatologist Ellen Marmur, MD, this treatment also offers direct benefits for more mature skin. “The Hydrafacial is suitable for older patients with sun damage and even flaky pre-cancerous spots (as part of more serious treatments),” explains Dr. Marmur.

That said, there are some that should avoid these treatments, like those with active rashes or rosacea.

“It’s crucial to consult with a qualified skin-care professional or dermatologist to determine if these treatments are appropriate for your specific skin type and condition,” Dr. Chacon advises.

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