The $20 Vitamin C Serum Kylie Cantrall’s Dad Introduced Her To

The holiday season may be busy for most, but with a new song titled Santa Tell Me coming out November 20th, a single releasing at the top of next year, and a debut album slated for a Spring 2024 debut, Kylie Cantrall’s calendar is full. The actress-musician and just-announced TruSkin ambassador recently sat down with us to talk skin care, and her busy year-in-review.

I know that this partnership was TruSkin’s first celeb collab. How did it come about?

Funny enough, the way I first became familiar with TruSkin was because my dad was using their vitamin C serum. I remember going into his bathroom and after using it once, I was like, “Whoa, this is so hydrating. This feels amazing. I’m going to be stealing this.” 

Ever since then, I’ve just been taking it from his bathroom. That’s why it felt so perfect when TruSkin reached out; I had already been using their serum and loved it. I feel like the things that they stand for and how they approach skin care is similar to my ideas around skin care. I’m very simple; I like to keep it back to the basics and I really try to not overcomplicate it. It really felt like a perfect fit.

They do have nice things. I know that you have a lot of projects; I’m sure you have to wear heavy makeup when you’re filming. What are some of your secrets to keeping your skin clean and clear?

It is exactly that. I’m always making sure that I’m cleansing after a day where I’ve had heavy makeup on. Those set days can definitely take a toll on your skin. After having layers and layers of foundation and powder and everything, it’s so important to cleanse at the end of the day and remove all the makeup, all the residue. 

Of course, it’s different for everybody. You really need to figure out what’s going to work for your skin. For me, it’s always been less is more. Cleansing, a little serum, a little moisturizer and I’m good to go. It also does start with drinking water and being hydrated from the inside out. I think that that’s something that makes the biggest difference.

You have to keep it simple. I love the way your hair looks. What is your secret to keeping that pink streak vibrant?

I have to dye it quite often! Probably not the healthiest thing for my skin and hair, but I do make sure that I apply a hair mask at least once every two weeks. I have a really good shampoo and conditioner that’s been good for my hair, especially for the fact that I’ve been dying it for quite a few years now. Especially on set, they’re always using hot tools, so it’s definitely as equally as important to look out for the hair as well.

I know you had a lot of projects just from summer and fall. As the winter comes along, will you be able to relax?

The holidays have been getting me in the holiday spirit and I’m getting in that mode of watching holiday movies and making eggnog and all of that. 

I think that’s something that the holidays have always resembled for me—a little of that calming vibe and tranquility of “the year’s almost over.” I feel like things are starting to calm down a little bit. 

I’m also trying to practice self-care every day. I feel like there’s definitely some kind of calming energy surrounding us this time of year.

Good. My last question: How do you get into your creative headspace— either when you’re acting, when you’re singing, when you’re writing? What does that process look like for you?

I’m someone who’s not the best at multitasking! I always try to make sure I’m in songwriting mode or dance mode—Whatever it is, I have to make sure that there’s no other distractions, and that my phone is off. 

I’m either in my room writing or in a space where I feel comfortable and feel like I can focus and put all my energy into whatever I’m creating or working on. 

Having a safe space where I feel comfortable and I feel like I have that creative mojo and energy, I think that that’s something that’s been important for me always.

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