Simon Rex Launches a Skin-Care Line

Actor Simon Rex is getting into the skin-care game. Known for his roles in Red Rocket and Bupkis, to name a few, Rex now has co-founder of the men’s skin-care brand MOX Skincare—a line that stresses the importance of self-care rituals—to add to the resume. The 49-year-old recently chatted with us about the endeavor, and why it was a bit of an “evolution” for him.

Why this launch? 

I’m a co-founder of MOX Skincare because I think it’s time for men to lose the macho stigma that’s been the narrative for decades. Things like “Sleep when you’re dead,” “Real men don’t show their feelings,” and “Only girls use moisturizer” are old and corny now. We need eight hours of sleep, we need to exercise and eat healthy, and we need to take care of our skin! It’s almost 2024, and the caveman way of thinking is played out. Let’s evolve, guys. I’m here to help; I treated my body like a rollercoaster for most of my life, and now it’s time to treat it like a temple. 

What was the hardest part about getting the line market? 

Finding our target audience. Men’s skin care is pretty boring, but it doesn’t have to be! We wanted to identify the segment of the market that is ready to take action, that is ready to take on men’s skin care. Most men hit a certain point where they realize they need to start taking care of themselves because none of us are getting any younger. We wanted to find that community and tell them, “Hey, it’s actually cool to take care of your skin!”

Are there any skin-care treatments you swear by?

As an actor, I’ve got to look good…but as a former caveman myself, I never really knew much about skin care besides wearing sunblock as a preventative measure. A friend of mine owns a spa in New York City, and he gets mud from the Dead Sea shipped from thousands of miles away, and that always makes my skin look and feel great.

I’ve also found sleep and diet to be life-changing—eating clean, drinking plenty of water and staying away from fried foods is the move. It’s pretty simple; I think we make it harder than it has to be. I love MOX Skincare and the kit I’ve created, because the whole process takes only a minute, and we all have time for that! 

Are there any other skin-care or self-care brands you love?

Until I started my self-care journey, I really wasn’t much of a skin-care enthusiast, and that was one of the reasons I wanted to be a part of MOX Skincare. Working on MOX helped me discover what I like, what nurtures my skin, and what makes me feel like I’m taking care of myself. By co-founding MOX, I wanted to help other men feel the same way and make a quality product designed for men, so we don’t have to steal our girlfriend, wife, or partner’s skin-care products anymore. It causes fights, fights lead to stress, and stress is the underlying cause of so many health problems. 

What do you do for your own self-care and wellness?

My number one self-care and wellness ritual is my MOX routine. We created ‘Simon’s Superset’, a very simple three-step kit that makes taking care of your skin easy. The kit includes my three go-to MOX products: Invigorating Peppermint Cleanser, Multi Nutrient Serum and Mineral Hydrating Mist, all packed with essential nutrients to nourish and energize your skin in just a minute. Doing my daily skin-care routine makes me feel my best and starts my day on a strong note. 

Other than taking care of my skin, for self-care and wellness, I always make sure I exercise five days a week. I love hiking, Pilates, riding my bike, weights, anything! As long as I sweat and move my body, I’m happy. It also helps with mental health, so it’s a no-brainer.

I live by the Hippocrates quote, “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food,” so I eat very clean, too. I also find it really important to laugh a lot, so my YouTube history is mostly stand-up comedians and comedy content. We all need to laugh more in this insane world we’re living in. 

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